08 May, 2009

Weekly Round Up: Not So Golden Week

Not been the most eventful of weeks & i have to admit to not doing much towards The Move.
Then again, i have still been throwing out stuff on a very regular basis & i can't focus all my time on The Move.

Golden Week wasn't very golden this year. First few days were nice, then it started p-ing it down. And it still hasn't stopped. 4 days of constant heavy rain. Fun - for ducks.
Been bloody miserable - apparently it is the edge of a typhoon hitting us, but whatever it is, it's bloody wet.
Was funny this morning though; i live near an elementary school & the kids walk by place. On most mornings it's quite annoying, because the local PTA stands along the street 'protecting' the kids from ??? (cars? foreigners? themselves? Not really sure why they're there...) Anyway, these PTA mothers insist on saying "OHAYO GOZAIMASU" ("Good Morning") to every single passing child. And all the mothers seem to have high pitched screamy annoying voices.
But that wasn't what i wanted to write about...

This morning was heavy thunder & lightning.
The sound/light effects were something like this:
FLASH!!!! (lightning)
BANG!!!! (thunder)
SCREAM!!! (kids)

And then i went to the hospital for my final face check. And i'm all clear. My eye works & my orbital bone are all ok. Doctor wished me on my way with the wise words, 'Don't fall over again'.
Thanks, Doc.


Kenzamurai said...

Sounds like you are ready for the move! No more screaming kids then at least. All the best and don't forget Japanese! Oh yea and say hi if you are ever in London. :-) Ken

MissSin said...

Am very ready mentally.
Physically, i'm getting there.

And i will definitely be in London in the next year; my grandma lives there. Look forward to catching up thene/there...