10 January, 2006

moving forward, looking back

'ラストシーン' - asian kung-fu generation

the december/january period is always weird for me.
i get over the new year retrospective thing, then go directly into the birthday retrospective thing.
that's a long time for one girl to be looking back...not necessarily bad, but maybe not so good either.

feeling very odd today.
talked with ex-boy last night, and you know what?
it was nice.
in fact, it was very nice.
it's made me question whether or not going back might not be so bad.

i don't mean to say that these last few months have been a mistake, because they haven't been.
but maybe we needed some space & time to realise things - what we want, or what we've taken forgranted?

to be honest, i have NO idea.
what i am sure about, though, is that i am not going to rush into anything.
i am not going to go running back into his arms, expecting 'happily ever after'.
i'm going to take things slow and see where they go.

the first step is dinner next month. haven't seen him since the break up, so that'll be interesting.

but in the meantime, i have my journey to australia to see my lovely blonde friends.
that will definitely help me clear & cleanse myself, and be ready for this next stage - wherever it goes.

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