convertible - wedding present
been meaning to write about the parental trip & kyushu.
it was great - had a nice relaxed time with them. they've really mellowed in the last few years. or perhaps it's just me? don't really know on that one - perhaps a bit of both.
we went to kyushu for 5 days and managed to do 3 prefectures (kumamoto, kagoshima & miyazaki), 2 volcanoes (aso & sakurajima), one castle (kumamoto), lots of roses, palm trees & general greenery. lots of ocean too & some mountains. even managed to squeeze in an onsen everyday (finally found the joy of them - sorry j-ster & indigogirl for realising WAY too late!!)
yeah - it was an all round nice trip. great to get away from home, and great to get the parents all to myself for a while.
also had a big milestone occur during this trip...
for as long as i have smoked (a few years too many) i have always hid it from the parents. little sis always said to me "why? you're an adult, you don't have to hide it". and i guess she was right. just a habit i got into, i suppose...
anyway, one night we were out at a wine tasting that i was translating for, and i got a bit drunk (hey, what's the point in translating about the wine if you haven't tasted it yourself?!)
anyway, once i'd had a few, i couldn't control my nicotine cravings, and thought 'bugger it', apologised to the parents & said that i was going to spoke. and they were remarkably cool about it. got some dirty looks from daddy sin, but mummy sin told him to shut up as he'd been a smoker once, and had no right to preach to me. funny how ex smokers are the strongest anti-smokers...
anyway - that kind of sums up the trip. it was lovely.
and in a nice kind of symmetry, we went to Sata Misaki (Cape Sata). this is the most southern point of mainland japan. if you look at the photo above, you can see a photo i took of the 31 degree line marker. apparently, we were on the somae latitude as Cairo, New Delhi, New Orleans, Shanghai and Karachi.
why was it a nice kind of symmetry? well, because the last trip i took with the parents was to Soya Misaki - the most northern part of mainland japan, way up in hokkaido (near wakkanai) which, for those of you who want to know, is 45 degrees north.
and that was a good trip too!! must be an adult now - i seem to enjoy spending time with my parents!!!