28 March, 2006


vodiak - stereolab

it's HERE!

spring has finally sprung! don't know why, but i've really been looking forward to this spring.
winter doesn't usually bother me that much, in fact i quite like it, but this year has been grey & wet & generally crappy.
and i think going to to australia in the middle of the cold bit has made me crave greenness & colour.

but it's here. YAY!
the sun is getting warmer, the cherry blossoms are blooming & i can start wearing skirts without tights!

it's also a little landmark - another season of being single successfully completed.

how am i doing? honestly - i think i am doing pretty ok.
have dark days - but who doesn't?
wish i was in a relationship - but when i was in one, i sometimes wished i wasn't.
wish i was somewhere sometimes - but don't know where.

but i think that's pretty normal.

if i were up & positive all the time, then i would start worrying...but in the meantime, i am going to enjoy spring.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on surviving another season! Its not easy when you think about it in one big future lump, but day by day its doable ne. And its only those odd days here and there when you cant do it....